My week
I been feeling better from the last time I posted. I got my first tattoo and I’m so excited to see how it looks tomorrow when I take the...

Life today
I been packing cleaning and taking care of my kids all day. It gets hard sometimes because of all the screaming and playing they do. I...
We have to find a new place and I’m kinda sad about it. I like where we are not but prices went up and we have to move. I like more but...
3 years to now
It’s been a while since I last posted and a lot of changed. I’m a happy Married woman who as 3 beautiful kids. I’m getting more and more...

I am so happy!! I'm Pregnant. I really didn't think I would be having a baby. I always thought that I was never good enough or think that...
Got Married July 28, 2020
I got married July 28, 2020. I didn't expect to get married that day, I thought we where just going to get the paperwork to get married...
Scared Feeling alone Wanting to hide So much more Something you can't do Present in front of people Make a sean Talk talk in front of...
Conferencing To My Mom
I am going to tell my mom that I want to get depression pills because I cant fake this any longer. I am only happy with my friend and the...
I don't think I can do this!
Yes i know we all get hurt and yes we all fall in love but when we fall in love its hard to fall out of love and for is...
Unexpected/My Point of View
There is a lot of things we don't expect in life and love and presents is one of them but we all know thing good things in life come to...