Brake ups
Brake up hurt and it hurts a lot when you lose someone you care for so much. I mean like if you dated someone for one year and then he...

Life is like a movie we all walk throw and sometimes good and bad things happen. Some people don't really know it but we are all doing...
My true feelings
I have to say this because my true feeling mean everything to some people but for others they don't care. So here I go. I feel that when...
Christmas 🎄🎅🔔❄
The day has come for Christmas cheer and love ones to be reunited. Family's to be one and to visit each other again. Christmas is a...
Love and Life
Love and Life are things we live throw and its beautiful that we get to see who we marry and love for a long yime or until something bad...
I'm not sure.
Things that make me happy is talking to my boyfriend, getting messages from my best friend who I have known for my hole life and seeing...
This might be sad....just telling u now. I don't know why but friends keep asking me if they can die it hurts me that my close friends...
How I feel...
Sometimes I don't know how I feel and other time I am sad and depressed. I only feel depressed because of what I hear and I know I can...
Why do people spread rumors, maybe it's because they want to make them self's feel better or maybe to there reaction and laugh about it...
Everything & My Changes
Everything that has happened in the passed week has been crazy and some of it I don't really remember all of what has happened but that's...