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Friends we all need but how can you tell from your realy friends and your fake ones? Let me tell you I thought I had realy friends for a long time but little did I know they were mean to me when I fell asleep. I know now to watch my back because people can be mean sonethimes even when you don't know it and thats ok if you know or don't know. Let me tell you a story that realy happend to me......I was at a sleepover at one of my friends house, we were having so much fun but then it had to end for the night but we did not go to sleep tell 12:00P.M. In the morning some girls were a wake and some were still asleep they thought it would be funny to put some make up on my face and on my forehead there was a word itwas the word slut and I was so up set i washed off my face and went home. I never talk to the girls again but in the halls of my school they said there is the ugly slut and everyone was laphing at me i just didn't care anymore so one day i cut myself 2 time with my neal and then after 4 weeks we moved. I realized then they are not my realy friends and i got over it. That story is true and I hated that I thought I could trust them with my secrets but it did not matter anymore my secrets were out and people did not want to be my friend but when I moved Ithought I will get a now stared or like a now beging.


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