
Sisters we have one or we don't but we have to love them because she will become are best friend and the person we can depend and we need people we can depend on. My sister is Natalie and me and her don't realy get along but some days we do and I think that the days I get along with my sister I cherish the moment because you never know when you will get another one. I love my sister even knowing we never get along but thats fine and its fun to have someone by your side, we will need someone now and then to help us out with things we don't know or help us with anything we need help on but if you need help or not you will need a sister or someone by your. Some sisters never talk to each other but when they do it for a short time but thats ok atleast you too are talking i mean like if you never talk to your sister you never find anything new out. Me and My sister talk but just to say hi, whats up, or how you doing and my sister never spends time with me she is funning off with her friends having fun and I get to be stuck at home doing nothing. I like doing nothing on some days but I hope one day my sis will ask me to hang out with her and her friends and I wish that day comes soon.