I don't think I can do this!
Yes i know we all get hurt and yes we all fall in love but when we fall in love its hard to fall out of love and for me...love is something i want but i lost the one person i loved and i loved and lost so much with him. It is because I cared for in that I was willing to do whatever and willing to do whatever it takes to keep us together and yes i new when he was going to brake up with me because we talked about it three times before it happened. I never wanted to but I thought maybe we will get back together but it never happened. He was the first one I truly loved that I can call My one and only First true love because it is true that he is and always will be. I don't know when I will make another paragraph for you guys to read because I lost and I cant seen to find anything anymore and I lost the most important thing to me, Thank you all for reading.